Monday, March 11, 2013

Caddy Poem

I love my Benjy.
He is so sweet.
Though a little slow.
He loves my existence.
He wants to speak.
I am a woman ready for life.

When I was young in my early early life.
He was there that Benjy.
I was a loud mouth always desired to speak.
My feet were not even cold, the snow was sweet.
My brother Quentin is obsessed with the existence,
My existence, the wind carriage ride was slow.

Life goes by slow,
Mother was never in my life,
She never acknowledged my existence.
Never liked I could tell Benjy,
Not very really sweet,
To her I didn’t want to speak.

Do not speak.
Your mother will come in here not slow,
Dilsey said, at the party, she was sometimes sweet.
The caring mother in my life,
Took care of Benjy,
She cared about my existence.

Father was never really in my existence,
Rarely did he speak,
To me so, Nor to Benjy,
Not really slow,
Not a big part of my life,
Not really sweet.

I think I am sweet,
I like my existence,
Though I ran away from life,
To my family I know longer speak,
I did not run slow,
I miss my Benjy….

The sweet air makes me want to speak,
Go back to my existence, run fast not slow,
I am ready for life, Hello Benjy!


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